10 Years of Trusted Excellence
At Tulip, your privacy is our priority. All orders are shipped discreetly in plain packaging with “Three Red Peaches” as the name on the return address. We do not use our logo or name anywhere. Additionally, on your credit card statement we show up as “Tulip Online”: Our full company name, website address, the word “toy” or any words or information of that nature, will not appear. We are dedicated to your satisfaction. We will never sell or otherwise distribute any information about you to any person or company.
Our website is verified by GeoTrust. All information that you submit through this Website is collected, stored, and processed in the United States. Whenever you provide credit card information on MYTULIP.com, we use security technology known as a secure-socket layer (“SSL”) to protect the transmission of such information to the Website. SSL is the highest level security available and your checkout information is guaranteed secure and safe. Depending on your browser, during checkout you’ll see a lock icon on top of the page next to the url which certifies this security verification.
You can always place your order via paypal or over the phone. If your have any questions, contact us!
[email protected]
1.877.70-TULIP (88547)